Saturday 31 August 2013

Last leg of an epic journey

OK, so the title is just a touch dramatic.

The last part of our adventure together has been more like typical annual leave than the "free spirit adventure" we've enjoyed for the rest of our time away. We've had a nice week or so, starting with time on the Gold Coast catching up with Jo-Ann, one of Jane's long term mates, followed by a couple of days in the later day "real Byron" (Suffolk Park, near Byron, really laid back for a Caravan Park/location),

then two nights at Red Rock CVP (another laid back location, this time near Coffs Harbour)

and a night at Diamond Head in the National Park.

What we had planned was to spend a final few days relaxing at Myall River but that plan turned sadly sour when our beautiful Cattle Dog Toby suddenly fell ill and had to be euthanatized (yep, not a happy end to the journey). So we dashed home in the hope of not having him go before we could say goodbye but it wasn't to be.

So back to when it all started .... we were so looking forward to this adventure and sometimes the anticipation is the best part .... but not this time. We have loved our entire time away together. 


We're now back to our normal life, for a few years at least. We have enjoyed a special experience together in which we've met some wonderful people, seen just a small part of this amazing country and appreciated just how good it is to be alive and healthy.

As we settle back in at home (which by the way is a pretty damn good life anyway), we can now confidently look forward to a future that will include at least a few months each year hooking up our box on wheels and heading out to be a road block on the highway of life. Perhaps John's nickname (pothole ... always in the road) will become a reality as we wobble along some of the byways of this wonderful country.  We hope you've enjoyed keeping up with our journey. our next major one will be as grey (ie experienced) nomads some time into the future.

John & Jane

Lesson of the week
 Too many to list, but the overwhelming one is
"get out there and enjoy your life, you're a long time dead"

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