Wednesday 31 July 2013

Last of the rainforests

We packed up and set off looking for a new home for a night. Friends had told us of a good spot beside the highway however we'd also heard of another very special one nearby there "but you won't get in, it's in such demand". So we figured what the hell, we'd give the impossible a go and try for "The Boulders" campsite. We could always head back to the other by the highway if need be. It was an inspired decision, as we duly arrived at The Boulders and had a choice of 3 campsites. We set up, went to the nearby picnic area and were again taken with the natural beauty of this area. Rainforest, waterfalls and great swimming spots (only European backpackers thought it warm enough to brave).

 Next morning, we started our journey to Paronella Park via Josephine Falls.

 Once again, the spectacular sights are not being done justice by photos!!

 On to Paronella Park which is marketed as "one man's dream" but we worked out fairly early on was more "one man's manic obsession". This bloke spent 19 years of his life building all sorts of impressive structures, gardens etc beside a magnificent waterfall, only to drop down dead a few years later. Seems the property was a little cursed for his family, however the current owner was an astute business man and is reaping the rewards ($millions pa). Half his luck for having the courage to give it a go. He seems half mad which just goes to show anyone can make a go of things.


We spent around 4 hours there between the daytime guided tour and wandering on our own and then headed back at 8pm for a night tour as well before bedding down at the on-site campground well satisfied it had been a terrific day.

The next morning, we headed south and after an exhausting 10 minute (9km) drive, stopped at a rest area beside Liverpool Creek. We haven't planned these sorts of stops with much thought, expecting to spend a night if it's no good or maybe two if it is. In spite of regular drizzle and at times heavy downpours, we stayed in this lovely spot for 3 nights. Great set of campers around us including a couple we met at Paronella (Greg & Libby), the mad Swiss bloke and his Rottweiler Ripley,

 a Pom who the system apparently accepts is chronically unemployable (but a really fun guy ... he lives full time in a swag, covered by a beach shelter and tarp, has an eskie and a ute and that's about it .... what an uncomplicated life) and another couple who have sold up and are on the road full time. Happy hours grew longer and louder, with 8 couples at our final night. The photo below was the warm up before others joined in.
There was also the hermit who hid out in her campervan the entire time, only emerging to empty a bucket once a day. Apparently it took our departure for her to emerge as a happy butterfly (brought to life by a large number of drinks according to the others).

Whilst we are 2/3rd's of our way through this particular journey, you can now subscribe to any updates so you get them automatically (courtesy of an amazing member of our family, the wonderful Bonnie, one half of the very important "McB" team). At the top right hand side on the blog there's now a spot for people to put in their email address and have our blog sent to them. Bonnie has also added a gadget down the very bottom for people with Google plus so they can subscribe too. We hope one or both work (ie that John hasn't somehow "optimised them") and that you enjoy the last few updates from this jaunt.

Lesson of the week

Many folks are happy whether they have lots or nothing. Some are also miserable! We seem to be mainly meeting the former thankfully!

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